
"I tell everyone what a dedicated coach you are. Your classes are intense and varied so I am always looking forward to the next challenge.

My coach insists on precision and focus on each and every exercise without making it onerous  - we have fun and enjoy the camaraderie.

I feel I have benefited tremendously from your classes over the past 8+ years and can still turn a head or two at my advanced age 77 years."
- Sherrill Crichton
"I was introduced to Nadine’s Zoom classes by friends. I saw them being very motivated by Nadine so I decided to give it a try. WOW!! I am so glad that I did. I find Nadine to be always encouraging and to having a vast knowledge of fitness and the correct way to do the exercises.

Nadine is very understanding and explains all exercises and what it helps. She will adjust exercises for you, if like me that you have an injury, I see sessions with Nadine as a key investment in my health and wellbeing and would recommend her in an heartbeat."
- Michele Marzouca
"One thing that has been constant in my life since COVID and before is an hour of exercise at least 4 times a week… I love to take long walks and I love to strength train.

Being a part of Fit Life JA, Nadine’s classes have not only made me stronger physically but also mentally. Working out with fit life has positively impacted all aspects of my life, and I am very grateful.

I have been exercising with Nadine for over 10 years and have never had an exercise-related injury. That is remarkable to say the least!"
- Fran Mahfood
“After giving birth to my second child, I started working out with Nadine in 2002. Up until then, I had not ever exercised consistently. She worked patiently with me as I tried to increase my external hip rotation, at the same time search for the elusive ‘core’.  I knew it was somewhere under the layers of fat…. It had to be!!!  Doesn’t everybody have a core??

I have had seasons of exercising consistently, and then times when life has gotten busy, and I have given up exercise time for other tasks. Through it all, Nadine has been right there with me, helping me to pick up the pieces time and time again.

Fast forward to 2020.  By now I am constantly battling low back, neck and shoulder pains and a very tender knee. The options are surgery (with no guarantees) or exercise consistently. Once again Nadine is by my side.  Along with physiotherapy, she has methodically worked with me to lengthen and strengthen - joints, ligaments, muscles and tendons. Nadine also guided me with making better dietary choices.

I now truly enjoy exercising and the freedom that I have from “quick fixes”. All made possible only because I have chosen obedience to God and I am making more healthy choices. With classes online, I am able to work-out with Nadine wherever I go – no excuses!!  No more quick fixes, no more spurts…. Daily, consistent effort. Yes, it is a choice, everyday.

Nads – 21 years later!!  Thank you for leading by example.  I have seen you push through tough seasons and remain strong and focused.  Thank you for making adjustments when I need them and encouraging me to work that much harder.”
- Sally Levy
"I am thrilled to share my experience with Nadine as my fitness instructor. Her unique blend of patience and motivational prowess creates an ideal workout environment. She skillfully pushes me to extract the utmost from every session, making each hour rewarding.

With Nadine's guidance, I've been able to see my progress and feel the difference in my body strength. Her dedication and expertise truly sets her apart. Grateful for her unwavering support on my fitness journey."
- Karen Lanigan
"Dear Nadine…You have been my fitness inspiration for the last 20 years!

I have been blessed to be trained by you on and off during this time, but these past 2 years of consistent training has yielded the most dramatic results. This is because I am now practicing what you have been preaching all these years; consistent 1 hour workout at least 3 times per week, conscious eating of nourishing wholesome meals and most importantly mindfulness and being present during workout and in our daily life.

Thank you for helping me achieve a stable weight and most importantly a waist of 28 inches… this is the challenge as we get older and for person’s like myself with thyroid problems, the midsection takes on a life of its own😊 which can lead to a host of diseases but with your wonderful guidance I am feeling, looking and testing as fit and fabulous in my fifties!🙏"
- Ambassador Audrey Marks
"Our first sessions were 2006!!!!  Currently, in August 2023, I am known as the “6 months on, 6 months off” one!🫢 But do not think she allows her clients to slack off….and we are all afraid of her.  We are afraid of her…as she means business and commitment ….she is always taking courses to upgrade her skills and profession with the latest and to keep her certification up …she is very competitive!

We all have UTMOST RESPECT for Nadine and she takes each and every client very seriously and understands any old injuries they have and any personal matters on hand….she encourages us to be our best self and be strong!

I was accustomed to doing group classes and then COVID hit and it was tough as we were all used to doing “IN CLASS” sessions….then she decided to go ONLINE …..well I resisted and fought it…..then a friend came and exercised in my garage with me and helped to reacquaint me and my iPad with exercise and the Pitbull’s classes…(yes, that’s what we called her 😂). Trust me she saw EVERYTHING….we could not understand how she was so gifted to always be able to correct us from the monitor!!  Only to find out that she has a HUGE TV SCREEN….and we are magnified in her Studio…..I think she really thinks it’s live! It works perfectly NOW and we are all happy.  Much less time on the road for us all.

Nads can take a joke and laugh with us….but AFTER class! If anyone is ready to commit….Nadine is the one for you!"
"Nadine is an amazing instructor - strong, self assured and dedicated to her clients needs. Thanks for keeping me on my toes! Hard work pays off!...BOOYAH!!!"
- B. W.
"After enduring 8 long months of the Covid-19 pandemic, I was eager to get back on track with my Health and Fitness journey. I soon realized Nadine's one-on-one online training sessions were the best option for me to meet my goals.

It has been over a year, since I started her program and I still look forward to my sessions. Nadine is very thorough with her instructions and her visual demonstrations have assisted greatly in the improvement of my form and technique. Dare I say, her sessions are fun too!

I highly recommend Nadine for anyone who needs to forge a path towards their own journey to better health. No matter your 'level' she will help you...She is awesome!"
- Tricia L.
"I started working out with Nadine many years ago at InMotion when it was in The Village Plaza. Time passed...work and life took me to different gyms and trainers... all which played their part.

We lost touch but crossed paths again in 2019 and exchanged numbers....she's been my trainer again ever since!

We did a few group sessions and then began privates. In 2020 when Covid really ramped up, we switched to online...I was originally worried with how it would work but it did...even in a class setting!

Nadine's demonstration of technique and form is spot on! I use many of them in my day to day life. She is able to see and correct my form and can see what weights I'm using...nothing passes her even online!

Yes it takes a little motivation to workout via devices, but she makes it easy with her motivation and genuine interest in pushing us to realize a healthier version of ourselves....offering advice with her training in nutrition as well as her many years of experience and varied certifications. Miss a class/session?....you will for sure be getting a text or call! Heading out of town or traveling abroad?...she still fits you in for an online session or provides you with a travel friendly workout (no weights/equipment needed!

Nadine is cognizant of health concerns and physical limitations of her clients and is able to tailor our workouts without having us feel as though our sessions are any less beneficial!

All of this to say I couldn't be happier with having Nadine as my trainer. She comes highly recommended!

Try a session and see for yourself!

Thanks Nads! 😊"
- Winsome H

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